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Sore throat

Sore throats can mean something different to everyone. While some can go away on their own, if yours does not improve in several days, gets worse, or is accompanied by fever, swollen tonsils or swallowing difficulties, seek treatment at urgent care.

Sore throat support at our clinics

Knowing what causes a sore throat and quickly treating it can help improve your health.

Whether it’s a symptom of the common cold or something more serious, no one enjoys the feeling of a sore throat. Fortunately, at CareNow® urgent care centers, we offer diagnostics and treatments that can help.

Diagnosis and care for sore throats

At some point in life, it's likely you will have to deal with a sore throat, but our treatments and services are here to provide relief and support.

Causes of a sore throat

Most sore throats are caused by a viral infection. For those suffering from a common cold, influenza or mononucleosis, it is common for a sore throat to accompany the existing illness.

Allergies, chronic cough and bacterial infections — like an upper respiratory infection or strep throat — can also cause a sore throat.

Sore throat symptoms

Sore throat symptoms include throat pain and difficulty swallowing. You may also have cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, hoarseness or a cough.

Sore throat treatment

Unfortunately, antibiotics are only helpful when a sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection. Antibiotics will not help a sore throat caused by a virus.

For most viral infections, no medical treatment is required unless the sore throat lasts longer than a few days.

If a sore throat is caused by strep, however, you will likely need a penicillin-type medication or another antibiotic. Typically, a provider will prescribe the medication for seven to 10 days.

A healthcare provider can help determine the cause of your sore throat and the best way to treat it. No matter what is causing your sore throat, you should also practice the following at-home care strategies to help you recover more quickly:

  • Get at least eight hours of rest each night
  • Stay hydrated so your throat is kept moist
  • Stick to comforting foods and beverages like warm liquids and cold treats
  • Gargle with ¼ to ½ teaspoon of table salt in 4 to 8 ounces of warm water
  • Keep the air humid by using a cold-air humidifier
  • Use a lozenge or hard candy when needed to sooth your sore throat
  • Stay away from cigarette smoke and cleaning products that can cause irritation

Sore throat vs. strep throat

Many people confuse a sore throat with strep throat; however, one is usually much more severe than the other.

When a sore throat is caused by a cold it will usually go away within a day or two.

Strep throat, on the other hand, is more persistent and will typically last longer than two days. Caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria, strep throat is highly contagious. It is most common in those between the age of five and fifteen years; however, it can affect people of all ages.

The bacterial infection is spread when someone who has contracted the infection sneezes or coughs or when you touch a surface that has been contaminated and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Sharing food or drinks also spreads the bacteria. If you touch surfaces, such as a doorknob or countertop, where the bacteria lives, it can be transferred to your nose, mouth or eyes.

Diagnosing strep throat

Identifying strep throat as soon as possible is the best way to prevent complications and to get you or your loved one on the road to recovery quickly. In fact, when strep throat is left untreated, it can even result in complications, such as kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever.

If you think you're suffering from minor symptoms of strep throat, consider visiting us as soon as possible. A provider will typically perform a rapid strep test that can offer a proper diagnosis quickly.

Strep test

A provider will first look for signs and symptoms of strep throat and then perform a throat swab, also known as a rapid antigen test. This test can let your provider know within minutes if you have strep throat.

If this test appears negative, but you are showing multiple symptoms of strep, your provider may also do a throat culture.

For a throat culture, a sterile swab is rubbed over the tonsils and sent to a reference lab for further testing.

Strep throat treatment

If your provider determines you have strep throat, they will likely prescribe you an antibiotic to help treat the bacterial infection.

The two most common medications prescribed for strep throat are penicillin and amoxicillin; however, there are several types of antibiotics available. Typically, a provider will prescribe the medication for seven to 10 days.

It’s important that you complete the full dose (even if you notice symptoms diminishing) so that the infection is completely treated. People often will stop taking their medication as soon as symptoms subside, but this can result in a relapse of infection. For children, strep throat poses a risk of rheumatic fever, so finishing all of the medication is particularly important.

As you continue your antibiotic treatment, there are several things you can do at home to minimize the symptoms as well:

  • Regularly drink warm liquids like lemon water and tea
  • If you feel the need to help numb your throat, you may drink cold liquids like iced water
  • Use a cool-mist humidifier that will keep the air in your home moist
  • Include ibuprofen or acetaminophen, when appropriate in your recovery to help alleviate pain and inflammation
  • Keep throat lozenges on hand to suck on when the pain gets bad
  • Gargle half a teaspoon of salt mixed with one cup of warm water

If you notice your symptoms aren’t improving after 48 hours of being on antibiotics, you should contact your provider. It may be that you need a different antibiotic.

Sore throat and allergies

For people who suffer from allergies, sore throats are a common occurrence.

When you encounter an allergen, such as dust or pollen, your body releases chemicals that increase the amount of mucus your body produces. Because of this, the excess mucus may drain down the throat — an allergy symptom typically called postnasal drip — causing a sore throat.

You can tell if your sore throat is caused by allergies if you experience other symptoms like itchy, watery eyes and sneezing. The best way to treat allergies is by taking an antihistamine.

Sore throat and laryngitis (inflamed voice box)

Laryngitis usually starts with a viral infection that creates inflammation in your larynx (your voice box). Other common causes are overuse of the voice box or cigarette smoke.

If you have laryngitis, you may experience a hoarse voice or brief loss of voice. It is also possible to experience a cough, sore neck and mild fever.

If you encounter more severe symptoms, which may hint at a more serious condition, it's important to seek medical attention. These symptoms include:

  • A fever that returns
  • Coughing up blood
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Severe sore throat

Although laryngitis is not usually contagious, if an underlying viral infection is the cause, that infection itself can be contagious. Usually, however, by the time the laryngitis presents itself, the period of contagiousness has passed.

In most laryngitis cases, home treatments are recommended. In chronic cases, your medical provider may recommend prescription medication or other treatment options.

Our Sore throat Locations

CareNow Urgent Care - Lee's Summit
228 NW Oldham Pkwy
Lees Summit, MO 64081
 (816) 600 - 4075
CareNow Urgent Care - Lee's Summit
228 NW Oldham Pkwy
Lees Summit, MO 64081
 (816) 600 - 4075
CareNow Urgent Care - Lee's Summit South
3509 SW Market Street
Lees Summit, MO 64082
 (816) 366 - 1197